by Katie McCoach | Oct 19, 2017 | Author Tips, Editing
A 3-Part Series on the Book Selling Process This is a three-part series on getting a reader to buy your book. Be sure to read part one and part two. As you’ll recall from our last blog post, the third thing that sells a reader on your book is the writing itself—your...
by Katie McCoach | Sep 14, 2017 | Author Resources, Author Tips, Publishing, Writing
A 3-Part Series on the Book Selling Process This is a three-part series on getting a reader to buy your book. Did you miss part one? View it here. As you’ll recall from our previous blog post, the second thing that sells a reader on your book is the cover copy—your...
by Katie McCoach | Aug 31, 2017 | Author Tips, Publishing
A 3-Part Series on the Book Selling Process Getting a reader to buy your book is one of the hardest things authors go through. There are so many factors involved in a consumer’s choice, but in this three-part series, we’ll talk about the three most basic steps to...
by Katie McCoach | Jun 16, 2017 | Guest Blogs, Writing
Guest post by Ryan Lanz Writers use dialogue tags constantly. In fact, we use them so often that readers all but gloss over them. They should be invisible. However, there are ways to misuse them and make them stand out. In an effort to avoid that, let’s take a closer...
by Katie McCoach | May 18, 2017 | Writing
How Do You Write? Paper vs. Computer I’m always looking for ways to improve my writing. Certain tools and habits help me get into the writing groove, while others can be distracting. One choice that can affect our writing is whether to use paper or a computer. Like an...