Plot Your Book in a Day
The perfect story is already within you.
I’ll help you bring it to life in a day.

Imagine spending 2-5 years writing your book in the rare, free moments you get:
after the kids go to bed, during your lunch break at work, in the school pickup line.
5 years of hard work but you FINALLY finish that book, revise it several times, send it off to agents, and….
Five long years of pouring your heart and soul into your book… and what do you have to show for it?
Let’s flip the script.
Writers spend hours, months, years, writing stories that are meaningful. But so often those same writers pitch their book and find out the one book they’ve banked to launch their career isn’t the one. It’s not right for the market, there are plot holes, the character’s aren’t developed enough…and this is after several revisions.
With ten years of experience developing my clients’ stories, I know how to make sure the story YOU want to tell is a story that agents and editors NEED. I know how to make sure you write the RIGHT book FIRST.
If your goal is to get published, you need to write a sellable book. Bottom line. That does not mean writing to trends–but it does mean making sure you write 60,000+ words on a story that actually works. On a story that will be DEMANDED by agents and editors.
I want to help you work out the kinks BEFORE you write.

Book your VIP day!
Is a VIP day right for you? Book a free consult call to find out!

What is a VIP Day?
One day that is dedicated to YOU. An entire day with an experienced book editor. This is not a day I juggle multiple coaching calls, or edit books, or heck, even answer emails. This is a day for YOU.
It’s just you and me, from 10am-4:30pm PT*, having a 1:1 (virtual) retreat.
Whether you’ve already got a concept or you’re still trying to figure where to even start, a VIP is day exactly what you need to pull it all together.
*Approximately six hours with a short lunch break (we can work through lunch too!). Start and/or end times may be adjusted. View the VIP calendar for more options.
One entire day of you and me crafting your outline for the RIGHT book, so you can draft a manuscript that’s good BEFORE you write it.
As a developmental editor, I’ve seen stories through several iterations.
I’ve worked with seedlings of ideas, I’ve worked on books that the author hoped was “complete.” I’ve helped HUNDREDS of authors query agents.
I’ve helped writers launch their careers. My authors have gone on to land multi-book deals with Berkley, Harper Collins, Blushing, Inkspell, and several more publishers. Many have obtained agent representation, others have self-published, and several have won awards!
As a mom, I can attest to the fact that there is nothing more rewarding than getting that Big To Do done in LESS time than you expected.
What if the same could be true for your book? What if–instead of spending two years writing a book that is a big, endless pile of dirty laundry (I mean pages)—you spend ONE day plotting a book that you KNOW will work?
I got you! Spend a day with me 1:1 and you’ll be miles closer to launching your career as an author.

Psst. A VIP day is not for everyone!
Let’s get on on a free 20-min call to see if it’s right for you.
What’s included?
All day session via Zoom with a lunch break (10am-4:30pm PST*).
Your VIP Day is broken into 4 parts:
- Seedling
- Planting
- Watering
- Blooming
Bonus: We’ll create a plan of execution for your writing process/schedule.
Map your entire book in ONE day, instead of toiling for six months.
*Approximately six hours with a short lunch break. Start and/or end times may be adjusted. View the VIP calendar for more options.
Seedling — Concept Brainstorm
Whether you have ten ideas or none at all, concept creation is where we will brainstorm and run through any and all ideas for your book.
What will your book be about?
What theme will you tackle?
Who is the book for?
We’ll brainstorm together, flesh out different ideas, and use prompts to get that GOLDEN idea to come through. This is where we figure out our general inspiration for the story and answer the question of “What if…?”
Planting — Character Development
The best stories are about the character(s) journey. Now that we know our concept, our characters’ paths will be what makes readers dissappear into your book and come out hazy and dazed at the end.
You may come to the session with your characters figured out before the concept piece, and that’s perfectly fine! We will make sure it all connects.
Without diving deep into your character(s) arc, you will inevitabilty hit a road block epsecially plot-wise. Even for my pantsers, the process of fleshing out your characters will be extremely powerful. You’ll know every choice your characters will make and you’ll know how their journey will end (even if you don’t want to know every step of that journey yet).
Watering — Plot Weaving
Plot! Some love it, some hate it. But your story runs flat if nothing meaningful happens. This part of the day we will focus on the “but then what?” moments.
The goal is to have a clear path or outline of what happens, around what time, and how it’s impacting the character’s journey and the world you’ve created. This part of the day will be essential if you are a plotter. If you are a pantser or a “plantser” aka, a hybrid, then we will plot out just enough so you have check points or guideposts to follow, without removing the fun of figuring things out as you write.
Blooming — Full Arc Achievement
At this point of the day, we combine all of the elements together and ensure the story’s validity.
Is this a full and complete story?
Is it compelling?
What are some complications that may come up? How will you tackle them?
Who is the ideal audience?
Is it sellable?
We’ll likely write the book blurb or mini synopsis so you can stay connected to your story—the story we’ve proven WORKS—throughout your writing process.
What’s two years worth to you?
It’s breaks my heart seeing writers spend years writing and pitching a flawed book.
Don’t waste two years writing the wrong book. Your time is limited and precious. You have a household to run, a full-time job to excel at, children and pets to care for, and a social life. And even with all that, writing fuels your soul—you NEED to make time for it. But what good is that writing session when it’s for a book that you can’t figure out, that you constantly bump into problems, and that you don’t even know if an agent will want to represent it in the end?
Work through all the “what ifs” and road blocks BEFORE you write. Know what makes a good story and what will get you closer to the goal of selling your novel. There are no guarantees in publishing, but what is one day of structured, hard work with professional guidance worth versus 2 years of on-and-off flawed work?
Who is it for?

The busy writer who values their time, wants to write efficiently, and is determined to be a published author.

Parents or writers with a full-time job who have limited time to spend crafting their book concept.

Ideal for writers of women’s fiction, young adult, contemporary romance, sci-fi, fantasy, suspense, or thriller. *Memoir and self-help/business may be considered*
Come with a book idea already, or five ideas you can’t pick between, or come with no idea at all. We will NAIL your book concept, outline, and writing plan by the END OF THE DAY. Literally, one day.
Talking to Katie is like going to the spa! I always feel so refreshed and inspired after our sessions. This has been such an incredible experience and Katie is such a joy to work with.
My manuscript was, I thought, as good and polished as I could make it. But, it was clear something about my story wasn’t working. I was hearing a lot of comments from agents about not being able to “connect” with my main character.
Katie showed me how to tell the story I was trying to tell in a more effective way, how to raise the stakes and pull a reader in and hold their attention. I learned things about writing and storytelling that I will carry with me to every one of my future projects.
I can’t express how much joy this process has brought me. I feel like these revisions, made possible by your incredible insight, have enabled me to realize the true potential of my novel. I couldn’t have done this without you!
How much does it cost?
Limited Time Price: $2,400 (Three payments of $800)
Pay up-front and recieve a 60-min follow up session one week later!
When does it start?
I’m only able to offer two VIP days month.
Reach out now so we can block an entire day for your book!
Don’t waste another day writing a flawed story!
Book a complimentary call with Katie today.
Still have questions?
Book a free 20 min consult with Katie to make sure a VIP day is right for you!