Grow your best story
You already have the perfect story within you.
I’ll help you bring it to life.

You’ve reached the mountaintop
of creating a narrative.
But how do you climb higher?
Fiction and memoir authors, first timers, or those who’ve been around the block, working with a book coach will be a big step in your writing process.
Are you ready to take your work to the next level? Develop your writing skillset? Overcome imposter syndrome?
Let’s grow your best story yet.
Katie went above and beyond in her work with me. Her insights and expertise were incredibly helpful and much appreciated!
Being a writer can feel like being lost in the woods. Katie was my compass. Without her pointing true north I never would have made it out. I highly recommend her services.
Strengthen your voice and vision
without changing it.
Katie works uniquely with her writers in a 1:1 format; either in the form of coaching sessions or a VIP day where she spends an entire day plotting your book with you.
The time you and Katie spend together is for you to reach new heights. First, you’ll walk away having diagnosed where you are struggling in your story, characters, or in your writing process in general. Next, you and Katie will have crafted a plan for your revisions or goals, how you’ll achieve them, but most importantly: you’ll have unwavering confidence you CAN achieve them.
Nothing lights Katie up more than seeing YOU reach your goals, because no matter who we are and how we show up in the world, we all have a unique genius that is waiting to be tapped. Katie will help you dust off that valve and let the tap run free.
You need a guide who knows when to prune, when to water, and when to stop for coffee.
I’m Katie McCoach, although I also happily respond to Coach McCoach (yes, that’s my real last name!). I’m an iced-honey-latte and croissant lover. I’m sunshine-obsessed, although typically from looking out massive windows and NOT outside getting an epic sunburn.
I’m a cheerleader, confidant, and trauma-informed book coach. I’m a full believer in growing into the writer and person we aspire (and are terrified) to be, and every single time a writer I work with finds their confidence and vision—and executes it—the particles of my soul do a happy dance and I vibrate with higher energy.
I’m a little woo.
I’m an out-of-the-box over-thinker.
I’m also deeply familiar with emotional trauma that many of us carry, and how the internal stories we repeat to ourselves might be massiviely derailing our forward momemtum.
(I’m a Cancer Rising, Gemini Moon, and Cancer Ascending—we’ve got emotions up in here. Plus an Enneagram 4 with a 3 & 6 wing).
I do not impress my ideas on you—instead I provide you space, encouragement, and a sounding board for helping you write your best stories every time.
And that includes the story of who you are as a writer.
I’m here to help you reach YOUR unique author career vision (not just the one you’ve been wired to have by society).
My superpower: taking seedlings of ideas and nurturing them into a fully grown manuscript with characters who make you FEEEEEEL.
My goal: to help you make your book a 100% expression of everything you’ve imagined, plotted, and outlined.
The result? A book that says everything you want it to, and more than you believed you could.

More from Katie

Put an end to imposter syndrome!
Download your free copy of these 8 tried-and-true strategies to stop self-doubt and imposter syndrome as a writer. And, build the power to resist it in the future.