What Readers Want: Genre Fiction

We’re kicking off another round of the What Readers Want series. This month we have an interview with Joselyn! Joselyn is an avid reader across multiple genres and a top reviewer on Goodreads. 1. What’s your favorite genre to read? For me it will be thrillers,...


Recently I did something that still has me shocked to my core. Something that made me hyperventilate as I did it, utterly terrified of what this one thing would mean for my future. And yet, I was thrilled I was brave enough to take the chance. Ready? . . . I deleted...

Memoir Tips

I get a lot of memoir clients and I love working on these stories, but memoirs have challenges ahead of them that fiction does not. Here are some tips for enhancing your life-story so it captures your audience. Memoirs are a collection of factual memories from an...