We’re kicking off another round of the What Readers Want series. This month we have an interview with Joselyn! Joselyn is an avid reader across multiple genres and a top reviewer on Goodreads.

1. What’s your favorite genre to read? For me it will be thrillers, horror, sci-fi and romance.

2. Why do you love those genres? Thrillers because they’re unpredictable same with horror, sci-fi because they’re usually pretty creative and romance well I’m a romantic deep down.

3. How do you select a book to read? By the blurb and the genre usually.

4. Do you judge a book by its cover? Sometimes, I love some covers so much I buy the books.

5. What are your expectations for the book description? What seals the deal? That it can hook me and make me wonder what else is in the story.

6. What are your top 3 expectations from a book in those genres? In thrillers and horrors, that the book makes me wonder until the end what is going to happen, that it leaves me a little paranoid, and that it makes me jump. In sci-fi, I want it to take me to a wonder place, make my imagination soar, and is funny and clever. In romances, I expect that they’ll make my heart melt, let me experience a fairy tale, and still have a little real in it.

7. What would be something that would cause you to give up on a book and not finish it? That I can’t connect with the story or characters in the first chapters.

8. Self-pub or traditional pub – do you care? Don’t really care; if the story is good that’s all it counts.

9. Is page count a factor? Sometimes but not always. I read fast.

10. What makes a good series? A good story and awesome characters.

11. What makes a good standalone? The blend of moments; it needs a good start, an impacting middle and a supernova ending.

12. Do you base your decision off of reader reviews? Or Do reader reviews influence your decision? I do read them and take note but I usually prefer to make my own view on a book.

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