The Blog
Filter words: Do you need to eliminate these from your WIP?
If we’ve worked together at all, you may have heard me mention Filter Words, especially as I recommend against them. I know, mean editor. ☺ Filter words are words that put a filter, and in result a distance, between the character and the reader. Typically, I want my...
Self-publishing IS legit
If you are an indie author, it’s only fair to warn you that the first part of this article may frustrate you big time, just as it did me. I was recently at an event and I audibly gasped when I heard a gal on stage say, "Yes, I finally have a legit book coming out! I...
What is a book coach?
So it's like, mental coaching? What even is a book coach? This term isn't necessarily new, by any means, but it has been popping up more and more these days, and no, not just by me. Let me know if this is what you pictured: An industry professional. A cheerleader....
Download Your Free Query Letter Template
Query letters: what are they and do I need one to become an author? To determine the answer, here are the questions you need to ask yourself first: Do I want to traditionally publish my book? Do I want a literary agent? Do I want to know how to pitch my book so I am...
How to Tackle Your Writing Confidence Issues
Let's tackle those confidence issues, writer. As I listen to the struggles of the writing community, one thing I see come up time and time again is writers stating they lack confidence. They’ll ask, “How can I be more confident in my work?” Is this you as well? I...
Is a Copyeditor a Developmental Editor?
I recently received a question from a writer that made me realize now would be a good time to introduce or re-introduce myself—more specifically, what I do—to my audience: What's the difference between a developmental editor and other editors? It's only...
When You Should Read Book Reviews
It seems there are two major camps on the topic of reading reviews from readers. One camp believes reviews are for the readers and all the feedback the author needs is that received during edits and beta-reads. The other side believes that an author can grow in their...
20 Things I Learned After Reading 150,000 Words in Opening Pages
Recently on the blog we discussed 15 things I learned after reading 100 query letters during the RevPit contest. You can read the article here. During that submission period for the RevPit contest, I not only read 100 query letters, but I also read the first five...
Craft Book Review: Take Off Your Pants! by Libbie Hawker
Book Review of Take Off Your Pants! by Libbie Hawker ★★★★★ Anyone who has worked with me through developmental editing has at some point heard me recommend this book. It’s my ultimate go-to craft book. It’s short, easy to apply and understand, and focuses on the heart...
How to Make Writers’ Conferences Work for You
Conference season is upon us! Okay, yes, it’s pretty much a year-round thing, but because my favorite conference is coming up (RWA), I’m feeling the conference vibes and want to share some thoughts with you. There are hundreds of conferences, day-long events,...