by Katie McCoach | May 22, 2014 | Author Tips, Editing, Writing
I recently read a blog post about what to do when you get stuck writing your novel. What happens when you hit a wall in your manuscript and just can’t get past it? Usually, it’s not for a lack of creativity or trying. You are not forever “blocked”, but you are sort of...
by Katie McCoach | May 1, 2014 | Author Tips, Book Reviews, Publishing
I just finished reading C.K. MacLeod’s wonderful resourceful ebook Idea to EBook: How to Write a Quality Book Fast. This ebook is an extremely valuable tool for authors who are interested in self-publishing but need the steps and tools to get there. It’s also a...
by Katie McCoach | Mar 20, 2014 | Author Tips, Editing, NaNoWriMo, Writing
You’ve finished the first draft of your novel, now it’s time for revisions. We know that you’ll need a professional editor soon, but before that, what can you do on your own? Revisions need to start somewhere, so here are a few options for editing your own work: Take...
by Katie McCoach | Mar 7, 2014 | Author Tips, Writing
Imagine you are sitting amongst fellow writers in a workshop class or critique group. You’ve just finished reading your work and this group is providing constructive criticism. You are nervous, of course, we understand. This writing is a piece of you—anything you...
by Katie McCoach | Feb 20, 2014 | Author Tips, Publishing, Writing
This question has been asked hundreds, even thousands of times over the last few years, and today with the self-publishing market as strong as it is, it’s a good question to STILL be asking. Should you self-publish or go the traditional route? And how do you...