imageToday I have the honor of hosting guest blogger, Meaghan Gallant of In this guest post Meaghan discusses how she will prepare for 2014. How will you?

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3 Ways to Prepare for the New Year

by Meaghan Gallant

New years is upon us and you are probably in one of two camps: those that think it’s stupid and those who set new resolutions every. single. year.

And yes, you can bet your toosh I’m in the second category. I take New Year’s planning to a whole other level. Nothing gets me as excited as plotting and dreaming out a whole new year ahead. So whether you hate new years, never stick to your resolutions or are a fanatic looking for some extra ideas, I’m your girl!!

Here’s my three favorite weapons of choice when it comes to plotting out the new year:


1. Journal

I choose a new journal at the beginning of each year. I spend lot of time (like an embarrassing amount) choosing just the right one and then go to town with scrapbooking paper, markers, glitter and pens to make it juuuuust right. It’s like my mini alter to remind myself of everything I want to achieve and want the new year to be.


2. Dreamboard

It started with old school poster boards and magazine clippings but as technology has evolved so has my process. Pinterest is my go to inspiration board of choice. There’s of course always Polyvore, Tumblr and Photoshop. Post up quotes and images of what you want to see, feel and become in the year ahead. Get creative and have fun!


3. Outline

On the first page of my journals I always write in my plan for the year ahead. Start with the goals you  want to achieve. Maybe it’s write a book, go vegetarian and move to a new city.

Those are the main points. Under those points I create check points of all the baby steps that are required to make those things happen. This breaks huge overwhelming goals into manageable tasks. Another thing I love to do is write 100 random things I want to do in the year ahead. Fun little things like dance in the rain, watch all the Harry Potter movies in one day or get a pet bunny. These are always a great little boost to check off!


Do you have any New Year’s rituals? I’d love to hear all about them!

Meaghan Gallant is a certified Holistic Health Coach, chocolate addict and book lover. You can find her at where she posts motivational blurbs and glances into her own journey.