Today I have the honor of hosting guest blogger, Ashley Wilhite of Your Super Awesome Life! Ashley is an inspirational blogger and wonderful person, and her post is something anyone with goals and dreams can use for their path to success!

This is the first of many guest blogs I’d like to feature on this site, so if you are interested in guest blogging on any topics related to publishing, writing, goals, and inspiration, (or just something fun!) email me at

The Foolproof Way To Do What You Say You’re Going To Do

The thing about going after big dreams is that they actually require a ton of work. It’s such an obvious concept, yet it’s the one thing that many of us forget, or choose to overlook, when we’re on the brink of a goal-chasing adventure. We easily slip back into the mind set of, “EASY! No problem! I got this!” and ignore the fact that almost anything resulting in change or growth, requires effort and hard work.

Things don’t just magically change themselves. We don’t magically finish the half-marathon, magically move to San Francisco, magically write the book, or magically get the job we’ve dreaming of for the past ten years. These things take time and lots of little steps. They take dedication, hours of output, and acres of head space.

And once we realize (and come to accept) that fact, we have a choice.

We can keep going or we can quit.

We can continue putting one foot in front of the other, or we can throw in the towel and give up because it seems too hard.

The excuses we make in order to quit are grounded in fear, anxiety, and stress. They want to keep us from following through with our dreams, accomplishing our goals, and living a life we love, which is completely insane. So, quit torturing yourself with excuses and following this simple and foolproof plan to Do What You Say You’re Going To Do.

Decide what you want and commit to it, 100%, no holding back.

Committing is incredibly scary because you’re basically putting yourself out there and telling the world, “This is what I want!” before you have concrete proof that everything will work out. But committing is also the only way to actually do this and be successful. Just like in relationships, you have to be honest with yourself about what you want and where you want things to go. If you aren’t 100% in, you’ll find a way out.

Be as specific as possible.

This little step can help you stay on track, or get lost in the woods if you skip it. Do you want to get a new gig in the PR field by June? Awesome, and a much better goal than “look for a new job”. Once you know what you want, get clear on why you want it. The easiest way to do this is to sit down and ask yourself, “Why do I want this? What’s the point? What do I want to get out of this?” The clearer you can get, the more focus and motivation you will have to follow through with your goal.

Eliminate your excuses.

When you really want something, you’ll make it happen. You find the time, you’ll find the money, and you’ll find the necessary resources- even if it means asking your mother-in-law for a loan. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of telling ourselves we “can’t” do something, when really we mean we “are choosing not to” or we “haven’t made it a priority.” Be honest with yourself about the excuses you’re making and then find a way to overcome them.

By following these three amazingly simple steps, you will be able to accomplish your goals, following your dreams, and finally do what you say you’re going to do.

Ashley Wilhite



Ashley Wilhite is a Life Coach who helps courageous women break free from expectations, create radical change, and begin living a bigger, bolder, more radiant, super awesome life. Whether you want to move across the country, backpack through Thailand, become a yoga instructor, write a book, or quit your soul-sucking job, Ashley will help you change your life, one daring adventure at a time! You can find Ashley at Your Super Awesome Life.