by Katie McCoach | Jun 6, 2013 | Book Reviews, Reading
Yesterday I was out to dinner with one of my close friends and we began talking about books. She loves books. She went through probably close to fifteen books in our conversation and pinpointed exactly what she did and didn’t like about each of them, so I asked her,...
by Katie McCoach | May 20, 2013 | Author Tips, Guest Blogs, NaNoWriMo, Writing
Today I have the honor of hosting guest blogger, Stephany of Stephany Writes! Stephany blogs about writing, life in Florida, faith, and her travels. If you are interested in guest blogging on any topics related to publishing, writing, goals, and inspiration, (or just...
by Katie McCoach | Mar 25, 2013 | Guest Blogs
Today I have the honor of hosting guest blogger, Ashley Wilhite of Your Super Awesome Life! Ashley is an inspirational blogger and wonderful person, and her post is something anyone with goals and dreams can use for their path to success! This is the first of many...