by Katie McCoach | Apr 7, 2016 | Guest Blogs, Publishing, Writing
METHOD TO THE (PITCH) MADNESS Guest post by Megan LaCroix on the inside scoop of the #PitchMadness contest. Pitch Madness was my first ever Twitter pitch contest and I entered not knowing what to expect. I’m still new to querying (heck—I’m still new to Twitter!), but...
by Katie McCoach | Mar 10, 2016 | Author Tips, Editing
Do you need an editor? Yes. This is the only answer. Every writer needs an editor. Editors need editors. Full disclosure: I am a freelance editor, and when I publish my book, I will be hiring a few editors as well. You read that right. Not just one editor—an...
by Katie McCoach | Feb 25, 2016 | Author Tips, Guest Blogs, Writing
You Are Not Alone – The Struggles of Being a Freelance Writer Guest post by Scott Mullins Whenever I mention to people that I’m a writer, and after I shatter their ideas that I sit around in my underwear with a glass of scotch, chain-smoking and writing about...
by Katie McCoach | Feb 11, 2016 | Reflection, Writing
@KatieMcCoach Writing is ______. We can fill that blank with anything. There’s endless advice out there about what writing is, or should be. What to write about. Why to write. How to write it. It all comes down to what YOU want, or in many cases need to write...
by Katie McCoach | Jan 7, 2016 | Editing, Publishing, Writing
Sending your manuscript out to agents and editors for possible representation and publication is exciting, but mostly terrifying. You hope that your query will make a good enough impression and that an agent will be intrigued and request the full manuscript! How do...